Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Media Influence on Body Image

 Media is arguably the most powerful social tool in today’s society.  The current media culture trend is complicated and confusing. Women are told they can have it all including a nuclear family, high-paying career, and perfect home while looking beautiful at the same time.  Media tries to create a perfect world that caters to a higher social class but in the process they cut out the little man, which in this case the little man are mid to low income families who can’t afford the means to live up to media and society expectation. Researchers have found out that exposure to certain ideas can shape and distort our perception of reality. For example, if men and women consume a steady diet of fashion magazines and pornography on a daily basis, they encounter more naked or semi-naked females that have been airbrushed or enhanced by plastic surgery. This leads to our view of what women should look like their warped. Real women with public hair and breast that aren’t perfect begin to seem unnatural compared to the alter images we see in the media. Media creates an image of perfection in which excludes women that are over forty, women with disability or women with no career. Women that are not able to submit to image are view as outcast or the blur within the picture. Women try different ways to feel normal but in the process they end up hurting themselves.
  • Here is a clip from the movie mean girls 2, in this scene, Jo is being offered by the plastic, to spend the day with them. the plastic are being portrayed as ideal and perfect image on how women should look and behave within society:

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